How to setup Voice Commands ?




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    Lincoln matheson Matheson lincoln

    would you mind posting a screenshot of where the toolbar is located?

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    Diego Vasques

    First, congrats for this extension. Does it have Portuguese pre-installed voice commands or do I have to create each one of them, for instance (coma = vírgula, etc.)? 

    I also have tried to use English voice commands amidst dictation in Portuguese and it didn't work. 

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    Podia ter letra maiúscula depois do ponto. Tem como fazer?

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    Many of the popular ones like comma should be included, we are working on adding predefined language voice commands. 

    Capitalization works. For example: saying "i want to test full stop lets see if this gets capitalized" comes out as "I want to test. Let's see if this gets capitalized"

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    Janet Alexander

    Unable to find the >_ button on the toolbar for setting extra voice commands...and must I toggle the 'mic' on and off between speaking? I thought there was an extra button to do that...?

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    Social Nevoa

    Como faço para anexar o audio ou video que tenho guardado no ambiente de trabalho, por exemplo? 

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    Dimitriadis Ioannis

    When I use open/close parentheses, a space is added between the word(s) and the parenthesis signs.

    Double punctuation characters should not necessarily be separated by a space. Can this be user-defined?


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    There are a couple things I wonder about: first, how can i make sure the sentence will start with a capitalized word or what command do I need know to enable this? (it doesn't always do this). next, why is that when i am dictating, some words in the middle of the sentence get capitalized? (is this related to my voice inflection or loudness of my voice when speaking?) Lastly, I find that when I end a sentence or just pause after leaving a period or comma and am gathering my thoughts before continuing, the cursor will move to the left of the last punctuation mark instead of staying on the end (after the comma or period)...?




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    Yuko Yamaguchi

    I can ' t set up VOICE command in Japanese.

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    I can ' t set up VOICE command in arabic, those already setup did not work and when I set one "custom" it did not work too. please help 


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    Hogan VanSickle

    What about if I need to press the backspace button?

    The word <undo> just enters what looks like coding but doesn't actually <undo> anything.

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    Dominique Garcia


    peut-on corriger des erreurs de reconnaissance pour qu'elles ne se reproduisent pas

    (can we correct recognition errors so that they do not recur)


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    Aria Stanton
    • ihioiobhogjhbhbjhn johgnujhgnjn's jhdifohkbn.....kglhjbgbjsgnbjkb
    • bjnhjnh
    • hjhnjdnfg knbmhbndhk
    • khnhbn
    • kjhjfnhjbhkb;gjhjxkzgbrjipenbijhnbijohuhgjkjdbgujbuid
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    Aria Stanton


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    Meli Me


    There is a bug with the Hungarian version,  not really of bug, it's because of the language.  I am talking about brackets and braces, we call them Square brackets and Buckle brackets. 

    szögletes zárójel [       =      Square  bracket  

    szögletes zárójel bezár ]    = Square bracket close  -   Hungarian literal translation for the  Close square bracket command  (and,  it will indeed close a parenthesis (the simple, round bracket) , because it hears the command zárójel bezár )  

    zárójel (

    zárójel bezár )


    I am sure it will be a very nice fix for the Hungarian programmers, the lazy type :)




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    jason ice

    Love it it works better than almost any of the other apps out there like it actually hears what you're saying



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    Ricky MacDougall


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